Image of 9 teaching symposium posters on easels

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops is an annual regional professional development program for teachers of Italian at all levels. This all day fall event features a keynote address, panel discussion and multiple intensive hands-on workshops developed and conducted by renowned specialists in language learning pedagogy from across the country and internationally. The Teaching Italian Symposium will celebrate its eighteenth anniversary on Friday, October 17, 2025 at the University Hall Conference Center at Montclair State University, organized by Symposium Chair, Prof.ssa Enza Antenos, and Symposium Organizers, Professor Mark Rotella and Cristina Latino.

Originally developed in response to research conducted by the New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission on the most critical unmet need to support teachers of Italian across the state–the availability of high quality and affordable instructional materials– the symposium now attracts teachers from across the region.

The Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) is presented on this occasion.

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XVII: “AI and Italian: An Algorithm for Success”

October 18, 2024

A group photo of MSU alumni with dott.ssa Enza Antenos, Symposium Chair, and Mark Rotella, Director of the Coccia Institute.

“AI and Italian: An Algorithm for Success” was the theme of the seventeenth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. A signature collaboration between the Italian program’s Prof.ssa Enza Antenos and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, this year’s program featured three intensive, hands-on workshops led by Profs. Marco Lettieri (University of Puerto Rico), Daria Mizza (American University in Cairo), and Carmela Scala (Rutgers University) and a lively panel discussion moderated by Symposium Chair Prof.ssa Enza Antenos. Also on the agenda: the presentation of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) was presented to Joseph Marquette (Portsmouth High School, New Hampshire) and introductory remarks and congratulations delivered by Dr. Peter Kingstone, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

A photo album from the event can be found here and here.

In case you missed it, here is the program from TIXVII.


Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XVI: “Activating SDGs in the Italian Classroom”

October 20, 2023

A group photo of Coccia Institute staff and volunteers with Consul General, Fabrizio Di Michele, Dirigente Scolastica, Prof.ssa Laura Innocenti, CHSS Dean, Peter Kingstone, President of the Italian Language Foundation, Margaret Cuomo, President of Coccia Foundation, Elisa Coccia, and Judges Panel Chair, Andrea Baldi.

“Activating SDGs in the Italian Classroom” was the theme of the sixteenth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. A signature collaboration between the Italian program’s Prof.ssa Enza Antenos and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, this year’s program featured four intensive, hands-on workshops led by Profs. Ryan Calabretta-Sajder & Valentina Morello (University of Arkansas), Maria Gloria Borsa (Bellaire High School, Houston, TX), Emanuela Pecchioli (University at Buffalo, SUNY), and Matilde Fogliani (Liberty High School, Jersey City, NJ) & Luisanna Sardu (Manhattan College) and a lively panel discussion moderated by Steven LaPeruta (Nutley High School). The presentation of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) was presented to Enrica Fracchia-Miller (Victory K8 and Milwaukee Italian Immersion School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin).

We also had the privilege of having Consul General, Fabrizio Di Michele, and Dirigente Scolastica, Prof.ssa Laura Innocenti, in attendance at this year’s symposium. The Consul General held a meet-and-greet with MSU students and learned about their personal stories in studying Italian. The Consul General then addressed attendees with an inspiring speech about promoting the Italian language in today’s society.

We also had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with the Italian Language Foundation, in which President/Co-Founder, Margaret Cuomo, also addressed attendees and generously donated 5 ILF teacher memberships.

A photo album from the event can be found here.

In case you missed it, here is the program from TIXVI.


Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop X: “Italian + STEM”

October 21, 2022

The Coccia Family, Larry Inserra, Andrea Baldi (Judges Panel Chair), and Mark Rotella present the 2022 Teaching Italian award.

“Italian + STEM” was the theme of the fifteenth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. A signature collaboration between the Italian program’s Prof.ssa Enza Antenos and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, this was the first fully in-person edition of the program since the COVID-19 pandemic, marking its return to the University Hall Conference Center. This year’s program featured four intensive, hands-on workshops led by Profs. Luca Cottini (Villanova University), Tania Convertini & Giorgio Alberti (Dartmouth College), Nathan Lutz (Kent Place School, Summit, NJ), and Karen Murano (Cloonan Middle School, Stamford, CT) and a lively panel discussion moderated by Symposium Chair Prof.ssa Enza Antenos. Also on the agenda: the presentation of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) to Jose Gabriel Fernandez (P.S. 242 Young Diplomats Magnet Academy, New York, NY); and introductory remarks and congratulations delivered by Dr. Peter Kingstone, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

A photo album from the event can be found here.

In case you missed it, here is the program from TIXV.

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XIV: “Do You Speak Global? Intercultural Communicative Citizenship in the Italian Classroom”

October 20, 2021

Symposium Chair, Dr. Enza Antenos, with Symposium Organizer, Professor Mark Rotella, during the fourteenth annual Teaching Italian Symposium.

“Do You Speak Global? Intercultural Communicative Citizenship in the Italian Classroom” was the theme for the fourteenth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. Due to the ongoing implications of the pandemic, the Symposium was presented virtually via Zoom but still provided the same enriching experience for attendees. The theme focused on the importance of obtaining intercultural competencies through enriching cultural immersions within the Italian classroom. Italian teachers of all levels were provided with delivery strategies and instructional materials to incorporate perspective-taking, cultural self-awareness, and intercultural communication in an inclusive learning environment.

The program featured a lively panel discussion moderated by Prof.ssa Antenos, entitled Competences for a Changing World, with presenters Janice Aski and April Weintritt (Ohio State University) and Francesca Silvano (Pascack Valley High School) as well as MSU respondents David Del Principe (Italian Program, World Languages & Cultures Department), Sangeeta Parashar (International Studies Program), and Chelsea Watts (Global Programs & Partnerships, Feliciano School of Business).

In case you missed it, here is the program from TIXIV.


Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XIII: “Equity in the Italian Curriculum”

October 23-24, 2020

screenshot of zoom presentation
Opening remarks delivered by Symposium Chair, Dr. Enza Antenos.

“Equity in the Italian Curriculum” was the timely theme of the thirteenth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. This signature collaboration between the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America and Prof.ssa Enza Antenos of the Italian program was presented in a different format than previous years in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the unprecedented challenges that restrict in-person gatherings, the Symposium was reconceptualized but provided the same stimulating experience virtually via Zoom on Friday, October 23rd and Saturday, October 24th. This year’s theme was inspired by Black Lives Matter and provided Italian teachers of all levels with instructional materials to promote inclusivity in the classroom.

This was Director Mark Rotella’s inaugural event as the new Director of the Coccia Institute and stated in his welcome address to the nearly 120 participants, “As the new director of the Joseph and Elda Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America at Montclair State University, I’m thrilled that my inaugural event was the annual Teaching Italian Symposium.. While we aren’t able to greet old colleagues and meet new ones, we are part of a larger gathering that spanned across time zones, from the west coast of California, all the way to Italy.”

Friday’s program also kicked off with introductory remarks and congratulations delivered by Dr. Peter Kingstone, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences as well as the Consul General of Italy in NY, Francesco Genuardi. The program featured a lively panel discussion moderated by Prof.ssa Antenos, entitled Voci unite, and featured nine panelists: artist Amir Issaa; Nicolino Applauso (Morgan State University; Loyola Univ., Maryland); Maria Gloria Borsa (Bellaire High School, TX) and Kwanza Musi Dos Santos (Questaèroma); Silvia Carlorosi and Giulia Guarnieri (Bronx Community College); Rosetta Giuliani Caponetto (Auburn University) and Vetri Nathan (Univ. of Massachusetts). The first day of the event wrapped up with the conferment of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12), which was presented to Maria Gloria Borsa of Houston, TX. Click here to watch the YouTube video from TIXIII recognizing Maria Gloria Borsa for her outstanding achievements as she is presented with the Coccia-Inserra Teaching Award. Congratulazioni, Maria Gloria!

Saturday’s program began with remarks delivered by Prof.ssa Marisa Trubiano of Montclair State University as well as from Annavaleria Guazzieri, Director of the Education Office, Consulate General of Italy in New York. Following that participants attended workshops being offered including: Silvia Carlorosi and Giulia Guarnieri: Implementing Critical Thinking and Inclusion with Low Stake Writing; Maria Gloria Borsa and Kwanza Musi Dos Santos: Black Italy; Rosetta Giuliani Caponetto and Vetri Nathan: Teaching Social Justice Through Italian Food Studies; artist Amir Issaa: Vivo per Questo – Potere alle Parole; and Nicolino Applauso: Can You Turn it Into a Movie?

A photo album from the event can be found here.

In case you missed it, here is the full program from Teaching Italian XIII (PDF).

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XII: “Enriching Your Classroom with DigITAL Media”

October 25, 2019

A group photo of alumni from the MSU Italian Program pictured with Prof. Enza Antenos.

Keynote Address: Silvana Ferreri, Universita’ di Viterbo

“Enriching Your Classroom with DigITAL Media” was the timely theme of the twelfth annual Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops, Montclair State University’s annual professional development program for teachers of Italian. A signature collaboration between the Italian program’s Prof.ssa Enza Antenos and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, this year’s program featured a compelling keynote address by Prof.ssa Silvana Ferreri (Universita’ di Viterbo); a lively panel discussion moderated by Symposium Chair Prof.ssa Enza Antenos; and four intensive, hands-on workshops led by Profs. Salvatore Bancheri and Simone Casini (University of Toronto), Margherita Berti (University of Arizona), Maria Gloria Borsa (Bellaire High School, Houston, TX), as well as Prof.ssa Ferreri. Also on the agenda: the NJ Italian Heritage Commission’s Universality of Italian Heritage Curriculum, presented by Commissioners Gilda Rorro Baldassari and Eileen Poiani (St. Peter’s University); presentation of the Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) to Raffaella Pirone (Fox Lane High School, Bedford, NY); and introductory remarks and congratulations delivered by Dr. Peter Kingstone, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Dominic Caruso, Esq., Hon. Consul of Italy in New Jersey.

A photo album from the event made for your viewing can be found here.

In case you missed it, here is the full program from Teaching Italian XII (PDF).

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop XI: “Art at the Core of the Language Curriculum”

October 26th, 2018

gina and enza tixi
Profs. Enza Antenos & Gina Miele pictured with valued alumni of the Montclair State Italian Program!

Keynote Address: Annavaleria Guazzieri, Education Office, Consulate General of Italy in New York

The signature Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop took place on October 26th, 2018 from 8:30a.m. to 3:30p.m. in Montclair State’s beautiful University Hall Conference Center. This year’s theme of the eleventh annual professional development program, which was “Art at the Core of the Language Curriculum,” was successful in providing useful information to teachers of Italian on incorporating art within their lesson plans through hands-on workshops and presentations in addition to an informative panel discussion. This year’s program was organized and presented by Prof. Enza Antenos (Italian Program, Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures) and Cav. Mary Ann Re (Director–Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America, the academic arm of Coccia Foundation), the all day program featured a keynote address, panel discussion and a pair of four concurrent 90-minute hands-on workshops presented by Matteo Broggini (Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana di Milano), Matilde Fogliani (The Graduate Center/CUNY), Gina Gallo (Bristol Central High School), Annavaleria Guazzieri (Director of Education, Consulate General of Italy in New York) and Luisanna Sardu (Manhattan College).

The annual prestigious Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12) was also presented on this occasion to Sabrina Lupoli! Congratulazioni a Sabrina!

A photo album from the event made for your viewing can be found here.

In case you missed it, here is the full program from Teaching Italian XI (PDF).

A link to a comprehensive article/review of the annual program between the Institute and the department, which was published by “La Voce di New York,” can be found here.

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop X: “Made in Italy as a Tool for Language Learning”

October 20th, 2017

Workshop Presenters for the 10th Anniversary of Teaching Italian
Workshop Presenters for the 10th Anniversary of Teaching Italian

Keynote address: Riccardo Giumelli, Universita` di Verona

The theme for our tenth anniversary “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshops” was “Made in Italy as a Tool for Language Learning.” In addition to the intensive hands-on workshops on innovative techniques for incorporating the “Made in Italy” concept into teachers’ classrooms, the all-day event featured an excellent keynote address by Prof. Riccardo Giumelli (Universita di Verona) and a very special presentation by Maurizio Forte, Director of the Italian Trade Agency of the Consulate General of Italy in New York. Kicking off the day was an admittedly sentimental slideshow of presenters from Teaching Italian I through Teaching Italian IX (2008-2016) offering their reflections and congratulations on our having reached this significant milestone, il decimo anniversario!

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop X Photo Gallery 1 and Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop X Photo Gallery 2

In case you missed it, here’s the full program for the Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop 2017 (PDF).‌‌‌

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop IX: “EduMusica: Songs and Music in the Italian Curriculum”

November 4th, 2016

Lively workshop underway in President's Dining Room
Lively workshop underway in President’s Dining Room

‌‌Keynote address: Giuseppe (Beppe) Cavatorta, University of Arizona

“…perché se questa storia fosse una canzone…”
La canzone italiana e l’America:
tra miracoli (didattici) & abusi (culturali)

On Friday, November 4th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their ninth annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop–EduMusica: Songs and Music in the Italian Curriculum.” A link to a comprehensive article on this signature collaboration between the department and the institute which appeared in the Italian language vehicle, La VOCE di New York, is provided.

We were delighted that you joined us for “Teaching Italian IX: EduMusica” on Friday, November 4th. We hope you found the day both productive and enjoyable! Please note that the materials from the “EduMusica” workshops have already been posted online can downloaded from the site:

Link for Italian Voice Coverage found here.

More photos of Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop IX can be found here.

In case you missed it, here’s the full program (PDF) for Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop IX.‌‌‌

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VIII: “‌Imparando Giocando”

October 23rd, 2015

Coccia Family along with other participants enjoying lunch
Coccia Family along with other participants enjoying lunch

Keynote Address: Julie Sykes
Games and Play in Language Learning: Past, Present, and Future

This talk will explore central themes in play and games research as it has been, and can be, applied to the world language classroom. Using examples from data-driven projects, we will explore the power of play in learning, as well as explore ways to use meaningful play to transform learning outcomes.

This is a signature event of the Italian section of the Department of Spanish and Italian and The Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America. Since 2008, a unique program for teachers of Italian is held annually to engage teachers in conversations and workshops on best practices, and provide a wealth of strategies and techniques that teachers can then personalize the materials to accommodate the levels and interests of their students.

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VIII Photo Gallery 1, Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VIII Photo Gallery 2

In case you missed it, here’s the Teaching Italian VIII Full Program!

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VII: “(Con)Testo: Perspectives on Literature in the FL Classroom.”

November 14th, 2014

Keynote Address: Colleen Ryan
From Page to Stage: Performative Approaches to Literature in the Foreign Language Classroom
All’intersezione di lingua & letteratura: vecchi problemi e nuove prospettive

Partecipanti: Colleen Ryan, Elvira DiFabio, Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Mirtilli Morgani, Anna Rein

For a full description of the speakers’ bios and the Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VII event, please click here.

On Friday, November 14th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their seventh annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop–(Con)Testo: Perspectives on Literature in the FL Classroom.” A link to a comprehensive article on this signature collaboration between the department and the institute which appeared in the Italian language vehicle, La VOCE di New York, is provided.

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VI: “CineLezione: Current Approaches to Film in the Classroom”

October 18th, 2013

Keynote Address: Piero Garofalo
The Case for Language Learning through Film

Partecipanti: Piero Garofalo, Tania Convertini, Elisa Dossena Marcon, Teresa Lobalsamo

On Friday, October 18th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their sixth annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop for instructional materials: Current Approaches to Film in the Classroom.”

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VI Photo Gallery 1, Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop VI Photo Gallery 2

In case you missed it, here’s the Teaching Italian VI Program (PDF)!‌

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop V: “Culture at the Core of Unit Planning”

October 12th, 2012

Amici Club members and dignitaries

Keynote Address: Flavia Laviosa
Unlocking the Potential of Italian Culture Instruction
Partecipanti: Flavia Laviosa, Anna DeFina, Luciana Fellin, Enza Antenos

On Friday, October 12th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their sixth annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop: Culture at the Core of Unit Planning.”

For more pictures of Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop V, please click here.

In case you missed it, here’s the 2013 Teaching Italian Program (PDF)!‌

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop IV: “The New AP Exam: Formazione di docenti e discenti”

October 21st, 2011

Victoria Butcher and Mary Ann Re in front of posters

‌Speaker Presentations:
Frank Nuessel
Italian Language and Culture Exam:
Theory, Themes, Content, Practice, Scoring Guidelines, and Materials Preparation

Elissa Tognozzi
Experiencing Language and Culture almost as if they were there

On Friday, October 21th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their sixth annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop: The New AP Exam: Formazione di docenti e discenti”

For more pictures of Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop IV, please click here.

In case you missed it, here’s our 2011 Teaching Italian Program (PDF)!‌

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop III: “Technology: Getting with the Program”

October 15th, 2010

Italian faculty in front of posters

‌Speaker Presentations:

Julia Cozzarelli
The Democratization of Technology: Student Affect and the Shaping of Curricula Using Video, Music, and Film to Enhance the Italian Language Learning Experience

Chiara Dal Martello
Developing Multiple Literacies with the Use of Technology

Michael Heller
Social Networking Tools in the Italian Curriculum: What are they? Why use them?

On Friday, October 15th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their third annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop: Technology: Getting with the Program”

For more pictures of Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop III, please click here.
In case you missed it, here’s our full Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop III program!‌

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop II: “Writing”

October 2nd, 2009

attendees with event posters

Speaker Presentations:

Irene Marchigiani
Un passo dopo l’altro: The Process Approach to Develop Writing Skills

Flavia Laviosa
Hyper-Writing: Motion an Emotion Set to Text

Dott.ssa Antonella Olson
Cultural and Personal Spheres Combined as Sources of Inspiration for Writing in Foreign Language Courses

Elissa Tognozzi
Weaving culture into Writing Assignments at All Levels

On Friday, October 2nd, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their second annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop: Writing”

For more pictures of Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop II, please click here.

In case you missed it, here’s our 2009 Teaching Italian Program (PDF)

Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop I: “Speaking”

September 26th, 2008

conference attendees

‌Speaker Presentations:

Janice Aski
Alternatives to Mechanical Drills for the Early Stages of Language Practice in Foreign Language Textbooks

Irene Marchigiani
To Speak or Not to Speak? Designing Speaking Activities

Elissa Tognozzi
Teaching Pronunciation with Video

Enza Antenos-Conforti
Revisiting the In-class Presentation: Making the Most of the Presentational Mode of Communication

Gabriella Colussi Arthur
The Integration of Experiential Learning for Developing Speaking Skills in Italian

On Friday, September 26th, the Department of Spanish and Italian and the Coccia Institute for the Italian Experience in America hosted their first annual professional development program for teachers of Italian, entitled “Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop: Speaking”

For more pictures of Teaching Italian Symposium/Workshop I, please click here.

In case you missed it, here’s our 2008 Teaching Italian Program (PDF)!‌‌